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which can help you to SEO is crucial for any website owner and publisher. In today’s oversaturated landscape and regular algorithm changes, it is important to focus on the right SEO strategy and tips to increase organic traffic. As we are in 2024 now, this guide will help you with the most effective SEO tips that are suitable and essential for improving your website’s ranking and visibility over the popular search engine Google.

Find keywords that people search for

The first step is to look for lots of keyword ideas. For this look at questions that people ask online related to your products or services. To find questions, you can use tools like Question DB. All you need to do is to enter a topic and you will get a list of questions that people are looking for or asking online about that topic.

If you are new to SEO, it is good to focus on trending topics and keywords.

Optimize your content for Google voice search

Voice search is not far off from replacing traditional search. According to survey statistics, 52 per cent of Indian households stated that they owned a smart speaker. Optimizing schema markup for voice search will help search engines discover your website quickly and increase a larger voice search audience.

Promote your content

Content promotion is one of the underrated parts of the SEO process. Most SEO experts believe in the “Publish and Pray” approach when it comes to content marketing. But the truth is, unless you have a massive audience, you need to push to get the word out about your new content.

Social media is one of the best practices to promote your content. All you need to do is to use some native content that is original to their platform. Doing so will make your organic reach higher. You can also use Content curation to let people know about content that you published a few days ago.

Use internal linking

Internal linking helps to link different pages within your website using relevant keywords. It can be a big advantage for SEO because, normally the traffic is not distributed among different pages, leaving many pages orphaned.

Using internal links gives Google a chance to better understand the context and indicate the value of the page. However, having too many internal links can be harmful too as search engines no longer understand the site’s structure and the relevance of one page to another.

Optimize for technical on-page SEO

On Page SEO is a medium for your users to discover your site in SERP. Therefore, it should be optimized intuitively and logically as per set SEO objectives. If you don’t follow on-page SEO best practices, there is no means of performing all other SEO efforts.

For on-page SEO optimization, some tips are the following:

  • include your target keyword in your title;
  • use a short and descriptive URL slug;
  • write a good meta description;
  • optimize for readability
  • use internal links;
  • optimize your images including compressing images and writing alt-texts;
  • use PageSpeed to identify any technical mistakes on site;

Website Audit

Now and then, you must perform a website analysis to find out issues and analyse what needs to be improved. SEO tools such as Arhef can help you audit your site and provide a list of problems related to speed, HTML tags, content quality, links and more, as well as how to fix them. The above-mentioned tips have proven to be very useful in increasing your organic traffic and improving your SEO strategy for 2024. But remember, every strategy is a process and needs to be performed by hiring SEO experts or an SEO agency such as which can help you to implement these strategies and make your site perform outstanding.implement these strategies and make your site perform outstanding.

The Digital Mines

Author The Digital Mines

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